We are a member-led, grassroots movement of UFT members organizing and mobilizing to build union power and to increase member awareness and voice.
We are committed to fight for better pay, healthcare, pension & retiree benefits and working conditions. We support and defend publicly funded, public education.
We demand a better contract for all UFT members and our school communities. It’s time for a better contract with the City of New York and a better social contract with our union leadership, altogether.
Together, we will forge a stronger union where all our voices matter.
Our 4 Core Commitments
Together, we will build power and work to:
Better Pay. Protect and Improve our healthcare and Pension/Retiree Benefits.
Get you the better pay that you deserve that keeps up with the cost of living; while protecting and improving your healthcare and retirement pension/benefits
Improve Working Conditions. Respect & Freedom to be the Professionals we are.
Demonstrably improve your working conditions and give you more freedom as a professional.
A stronger, More Responsive Union
Build a stronger, more responsive union that answers to you.
Defend Public Education from Reduced Funding & Privatization
Defend public education from any and all attempts at privatization and reduced funding