A Better Contract —

Union Proud. Union Strong.

We are a member-driven, grassroots movement of UFT members organizing and mobilizing to build union power and to increase member awareness and voice.

We are committed to fight for better pay, healthcare, pension & retiree benefits and working conditions. We support and defend publicly funded, public education.

We demand a better contract for all UFT members and our school communities. It’s time for a better contract with the City of New York and a better social contract with our union leadership, altogether.

Together, we will forge a stronger union where all our voices matter.


We want to know more about the issues that are important to you. Over 1200 UFTers like you have already answered it. The average survey takes 7 minutes to complete.

We think it's time for a change in how we do our union voting. Right now, not everyone gets a fair shot, with mail-in ballots only, at having their voice heard. Let’s change this!

We said from the beginning that we will do this work together, and we mean it! We’re going to start with campaign committees to build out our UFT Election campaign. Join us.

Our Voice.Our Union

It’s time to offer more voting options to UFTers!

We think it's time for a change in how we do our union voting. Right now, not everyone gets a fair shot, with mail-in ballots only, at having their voice heard.

In addition to mail-in ballots, we need leadership to offer electronic and/or in-person chapter voting.


Contact Us

Interested in organizing together for a better contract and stronger union? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!